Tuesday, 7 August 2012

The Wilde Bunch

The Wilde Bunch flowers are indulgent but affordable, passionate but practical, unique but accessible and oh so wild, sweet scented and
beautiful. Claire trained with and worked for the Royal Horticultural Society. She is adamant you must learn the rules before you can break them and has also trained with international florists in Holland and the UK.
Just as there is no regimented order in nature there is a refreshing wildness to The Wilde Bunch style. We have asked Claire to create a floral display for The Cat`s Meow at The Passenger Shed at Brunel`s Old Station and we can`t wait to see what she will do but she says there is a clue in the name of our chosen venue. Beyond our wildest

website: http://www.thewildebunch.co.uk

email: thewildebunch@sky.com

telephone: 07966 183530

Claire Nicholson from The Wilde Bunch