Wednesday, 3 April 2013


I am a planner and you know what they say about best laid plans? The intention was to fit our models with their costumes from the era they are representing , give them a tour of the gorgeous Clifton Hill House to show them the location of their tableaux and practice the catwalk with the right music for the right era. Well two out of three ain't bad!

I am a firm believer in facilitating creative input and was so pleased as the models started to generate ideas, try new styles and give each other a little feedback. We now have a formula for the catwalk thankfully recorded by Ali and we know some of the music needs tweaking. Great that hair stylist Steven Rooney who styled for us on The Lido shoot and  Fee of Beehive brides fame were able to attend too. Thanks also to Natalie from The University of Bristol for talking us through the risk assessment and not batting an eye about us wanting to add unusual Mod props!